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Secondary Traumatic Stress


This training addresses the complex impact of secondary traumatic stress. It describes risk factors for and signs of secondary traumatic stress as well as prevention and self-care.  This course is intended for anyone who works directly with the child welfare populations such as resource parents and child welfare workers.  


CASA Peer Support Group – Exclusive to CASA Volunteers

Pennington Counseling Services 3021 Hwy A, Suite 104, Washington, MO

Wish you knew more CASA volunteers? Are you feeling isolated and/or stressed? Want to find new ways to balance the demands of volunteering and other life responsibilities? This session will take place at the CASA office in Union.  Enjoy a Thanksgiving Charcuterie Board!


Holiday Stress

Family Forwards Developmental Trauma Center 11358 Van Cleve Ave, St. Louis, MO, United States

The holidays often bring much excitement and celebration for families. But for children who have experienced the disruption in their lives of being separated from their families, the holidays can be a time of great emotional upheaval. The stress level can become intolerable. This class will help parents see the holidays through their child’s eyes… Read More »Holiday Stress

Birth & Foster Parent Partnerships: Creating a Caregiving Network


Join us for a training on bridging the gap between birth and foster parents. For years in child welfare a major gap has existed between birth and foster parents. Fueled by fear, mistrust, defensiveness and trauma, this gap in partnership causes children in the foster care system to suffer. Research shows that children thrive under… Read More »Birth & Foster Parent Partnerships: Creating a Caregiving Network




This training helps participants understand the importance of attachment in parenting both for the children and parents who are fostering or adopting. It covers the impact of fractured attachments/lack of attachments on children's ability to attach and identifies strategies to develop healthy attachment bonds. This theme also covers developing trust and developing children's sense of… Read More »Attachment


Franklin County Christmas Party

Franklin County Family Resource Center 500 Clark Ave., Union, MO, United States

You can attend with your CASA or offer to work a game.


CASA Coffee

CASA of Mideast Missouri Office 80a North Oak Street, Union, MO, United States

Join us every 2nd Friday of the month from 8am-9am for CASA Coffee!


Separation, Loss and Grief


This training helps participants understand the impact of separation and ambiguous loss, and the differnet ways children grieve.  Life-long grieving and the importance of providing opportunities for grieving is explored. Strategies to help children deal with grief and loss are identified. Participants will understand loss and fractured attachments with birth family members and previous placements;… Read More »Separation, Loss and Grief


Gasconade County Christmas Party

Seasons of Faith Church 525 Highway 28, Owensville, MO, United States

If you are working with a Gasconade or Osage County Family, feel free to join us to celebrate the holidays.


Know Your Rights, Know Your Role


Understanding the foster care system can be challenging and overwhelming while you're also providing care to children who've experienced trauma. Often parents are given incorrect or contradictory information, leaving them feeling unsupported and frustrated. This training will address common questions and situations for fostering families such as: *Who to call when you can't reach your… Read More »Know Your Rights, Know Your Role


Big Behaviors: Making Sense of Lying, Stealing & Meltdowns

Youth who have experienced trauma often have behaviors that can be frustrating and challenging to manage. In general, traditional parenting techniques are not effective, leaving care providers baffled and overwhelmed. This training will address three behaviors which seem to confound parents the most: lying, stealing and meltdowns. Learn how trauma impacts the youth’s brain, reasons… Read More »Big Behaviors: Making Sense of Lying, Stealing & Meltdowns


Bullying and How it Impacts Our Kids

Bullying has been a pervasive issue for youth around the world, both in person and the virtual world of social media. Many children are unequipped on how to protect themselves or help their friend facing this problem. Parents, schools, and communities can be the key to giving children the confidence to face bullying head on.… Read More »Bullying and How it Impacts Our Kids
