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SPAULDING Adoption Training: Making the Commitment to Adoption


Thursdays, February 6, 13, 20, and 27 | 6-9 p.m. Forming a family through adoption is different than forming one biologically or being a foster family.  While adoption brings great joy and happiness to families, children who have experienced the trauma of abuse, neglect, and the loss of their family of origin may also bring… Read More »SPAULDING Adoption Training: Making the Commitment to Adoption


What’s New with Your Child’s Insurance: An Evening With Show Me Healthy Kids


Did you know: Your child can earn money for well care doctor visits? Birthparents can utilize transportation to visit their children? Some children qualify for a free sensory kit? Youth can receive free tutoring? This presentation will cover these benefits along with information on how SMHK can collaborate with Children’s Division, resource providers and community… Read More »What’s New with Your Child’s Insurance: An Evening With Show Me Healthy Kids


Attachment 101


This training helps participants understand the importance of attachment in parenting both for the children and parents who are fostering or adopting. It covers the impact of fractured attachments/lack of attachments on children’s ability to attach and identifies strategies to develop healthy attachment bonds. This theme also covers developing trust and developing children’s sense of… Read More »Attachment 101


What’s New at CASA?

CASA of Mideast Missouri Office 80a North Oak Street, Union, MO, United States

RPC Trauma Training: Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma


Wednesdays, February 26, March 5, 12, and 19 | 6-9 p.m. Parenting children who have experienced trauma is different than parenting typically developing children. Children who have experienced the trauma of abuse, neglect, and the loss of their family of origin bring unique challenges to the parenting experience. This training is designed for resource parents… Read More »RPC Trauma Training: Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma


CASA Peer Support Group

Pennington Counseling Services 3021 Hwy A, Suite 104, Washington, MO

Find understanding and encouragement in a supportive community. Confidential. No RSVP required. Facilitated by Leeann Pennington, a CASA Volunteer Last Thursday of Every Month  
